If you have reached this portion of the site, chances are you are wondering if you have a problem with your sexual behavior or are seeking help for what you know is a sexual problem...


What you are considering may be one of the most important decisions you can make. In the treatment of sex addiction and related disorders, when a client seeks help thinking that he or she has a problem, they probably have a problem. This is where we can help.

Help is available - In this section of the site you will find different stories from those that have recovered as well as simple self-assessment tools that can help you get answers.

S.T.A.R. is one of the most established treatment centers of its kind. This is a safe place to be to begin getting help. We have found that group and individual therapy are the most effective tools to get well and place your addiction in remission. These sessions, combined with specifically written exercises have helped countless people, partner or addict, abstain from what we call the bottom line. Please contact us with comments and questions.